hi its cozy!!!

once I learn HTML and CSS, it's over for you folks

I like to make noises for others to enjoy and also videos, sometimes I even draw comics or write books! Someday I hope to be an author/animator/musician/filmographer/producer/promoter who dabbles in playwriting, but that's probably too many fine art words in a row to be taken anything near seriously.

Luckily, I am very unserious! And all my work is made with the masses in mind. I just like to talk to EVERYONE, everywhere, all at once. Thank you for reading! 

You can find my soundverse on RSS, though if you want to follow the origin story in chronological order you should start on the youtube account. The Kitchen Magic playlist on YouTube is arguably much better than the sound layer as you get to see the actual food! Eventually, I will probably switch to OwnCast or self-host this video content, and you won't need to give google your traffic anymore. Until then, I'm scaling things back for santiy's sake and will be sticking to making regular casts, workscapes, and fortnightly kitchen adventures. Think of my presence online as a House you can visit and enter--not the witches gingerbread house, nor the little old lady who lived in a shoe, but a very similar fairy-tale experience. I've intentionally designed my sound-and-visual layers to augment this experience and facilitate immersion, because I think what I have to say is too important to not invite you all the way in, in order to say it. So please enjoy this expression of my combined technical skill and fanciful imagination!


If you'd like to support this project, you can purchase the first two casting albums [Daze of tha Week] and [a cosmic latte summer] via Patreon as mp3 downloads--which are free for members! :) [Workscapes 2024 and 2025], [a survey of the psychic plane] and [Year of the Projects] will be available as mp3 downloads soon as well (: You can also check out interesting specimines from the Lamiaworld universe on patreon, though so far we've only got the tree. If you would like to buy me a coffee or get cool stickers, image prints, and hand-drawn postcards, you can visit me on Ko-Fi too (also with cool membership perks...eventually).

Patreon also hosts the written, diary aspect of my alter-ego, the as-yet-unnamed Lamian pirate who helped to establish the link between human and Lamian space, and with a membership you can receive a handmade postcard from yours(hers, theirs) truly --as well as access to exclusive and downloadable content. Similarly, patreon will be the spot to look for new broadcast updates, in which my alter-ego pirate opens a psychic bridge into her homeworld, allowing outsiders to view the story of human refugees currently set far into our own future. In contrast, Ko-Fi will serve as my (her, our, their) earthside studiospace to think about and work on this project, where I (we) rub elbows with other artists and occasionally dump a bunch of new graphic content, blog entries, or shop items (shop is currently closed). 

Note: Something important about all of this content is that it is created "with" me; so you are often seeing the arcitecture for purchasing going up right alongside the content to purchase. This is disorienting for people who are accustomed to purchasing things pre-packaged and pre-prepared, because it feels rather like trying to buy something half-made. This is an intentional choice to reinsert the artist into the art and make it clear how much work is going on 'behind the scenes' when you purchase from artists online or in physical spaces. It is also the only conceivable way for one person to do so much content creation. Please bear with me. Casting Together production begins this week and should be up by friday!

enter the soundverse:

RSS feed:

Cozy's Casts - anything is possible when we work together--happy to cheerlead that concept and always striving for an intersectional, global perspective

Workscapes - lets work together!--I'll provide a space, or you can make your own :)

Corelore - me reading you short stories I like--these inform my worldview

Daze of tha Week - my 2024 video log compressed by weekday; a 2025 version will help us round out the year in Jan26

Kitchen Magic - recipes for tasty treats (+sounds of cooking)

Casting Together! - where I interview others about their life, labors, and loves--demonstrating how much more we have in common than what seems to separate us

Who's At the Door - sounds from adventuring--and all the noise of the world


These separate feeds can be organized chronologically into playlists, which I have done on Spotify, but which can be re-created  by interested individuals to get the fully immersive effect. Ultimately, as I continue to make my way free of the overly corporatized and commodified existence of commercial america, I will recreate those playlists as albums available for download. In this way I am mimicking in reverse the struggles of the american music industry, though obviously my podcasts are more soundlayers than music and most of the real music you hear can be attributed to the lofi artists of spotify and youtube (credited on originating youtube video, linked in episode descriptions). My methodology for this show's creation has been entirely inspired by the music industry and the struggles of beginning artists; it is an easy way to illuminate the severe income inequality in my country as well as the various, extreme barriers for entry across a variety of industries (the entertainment industry being more generally known for its visciousness in this matter). 

For those interested in recreating it, the albums are organized as followed:

a cosmic latte summer covers Cozy's Casts from tuesday lattes to transgender special episode, workscpaes from Hour One through Hour Thirteen, Kitchen Magic from track01 to track05, who's at the door (personal selections), all of Daze of tha Week (2024) and Murder By Pixel from corelore. The order of the playlist is determined by the release date of the episode, which is faithful to the order of original vlog release. Original recordings all taken between April 2024 and January 2025. spotify playlist link

a survey of the psychic plane covers Cozy's Casts from feeling fragile to look over your shoulder, and includes the special episode direct action highlights. This playlist contains the thrust of the arguments being created and elaborated in the previous playlist, and thus does not contain any insulating expository content. All content in this playlist recorded near the end of 2024 and beginning of 2025. spotify playlist link

Year of the Projects includes all of Daze of tha Week, this time in order of day, as an intentional anchoring in the previous year. It includes all of Cozy's Casts from Do Less to current (entities and human bodies), as well as the first of Casting Together! (octavio's cast), workscapes [01] octavio's workscape [2025] to current, Kitchen Magic Season 2, track [01] doughy waters to current, and is yet incomplete. It covers Jan25-present. spotify playlist link

release schedule Year of the Projects is the current album under production, though its end will be determined by real life events rather than any intentional schedule. The different shows release on different schedules, anchored to their real life production process, which is tied into my life's rhythms. What I hope to follow is the following schedule, but due to my humanity and fallibility the actual release days and times may not follow the ideal. It is unlikely that more than three days will pass without hearing from me, however (threat) :) I hope that, by following this model, I can illuminate a schedule or body rhythm that others may emulate as an ideal for personal energy and labor modulation. It's a recommendation for a worldwide shift in the way we distribute labor and energy along more equitable means, rapidly improving the quality of life across borders and with the intention of honoring our human bodies. This model is based on health and wellness research as well as environmentalism, economic ingenuity, and creative social reimagining. 

Cozy's Casts: Tues-Thurs at 00:00 PST - Demonstrating a totally acheivable 3 day workweek

workscapes: Tues-Fri at 00:00 PST - Including Friday honors everyone who works Day 4 because they care

kitchen magic: released fortnightly (every two weeks), usually around the midnight hour. honors the schedule laid down by lunar calendar and the natural body rhythms most humans find themselves following, consciously or not. Next released is March 11th; the video layer of this show could not be sacrificed while looking for a g00gle alternative, and the playlist on youtube will continue to be the first updated until further notice.

corelore: whenever I feel the URGENT need to read to you. It does happen. The uncompressed files are still available on youtube, but future readings will stay in the audioverse until I find a videohosting option that satisfies me.

Daze of tha Week: a new album every 13 months (I hope), compressing the episodes labeled for the day of the week from the previous year (some days really live up to their names)

who's at the door: completely random, depends on the adventure and how shareable I want it to be or how much I will need it later for remixing purposes.

Casting Together: right now it's weekly as we catch up last years content, but this schedule will really depend on who wants to interview and when; would not expect consistent episodes.

Social Media (links to linktree)

Obviously, I am quite social!

I am on all major platforms as cozycheri or cozyycheri, though of course like everyone I have alt accounts :3 I don't mind being found!!! I love easter egg hunts and all the culture of early 80's, 90's, and 2000's technology, so my digital presence is a bit of an online treasure map...though, again, I wouldn't take anything I put online too seriously unless it really resonates with you. I don't think it's fair to treat internet content as face-value intel when there's so much catastrophically biased or intentionally misleading machinery out there working to ensure the internet is not a free and open space as it was meant to be. Along with my commitment to transparency and my love of open and honest communication, I am a huge fan of ANONYMOUS and ANONYMITY and believe it should be a protected right in digital environments, along with your right to data privacy and reasonable expectations of fairness and commercial behaviors--something categorically lacking in todays Web--.05 now? my presence on social media is first and foremost an intentional, direct-action occupation demonstration intended to illuminate the gross inequity, built in bias, and deeply oppressive conditions of most online social environments. The purpose of the easter-egg hunt nature of this content is to route traffic into different areas of varying oppressive control, as a means of 'touring' the various issues I feel we face in net neutrality as a movement and in human rights as a more global concept.

intellectual property

I am also, like most people, a huge supporter of both piracy and paying your artists--it is okay to steal something made by the soulless, but not the souled. okay? it is also okay to steal something if you really need it and if there will be a net positive effect of your theft. Digital Piracy is not interchangeable with Physical Theft--something our legal system is woefully incapable of addressing appropriately. The New World Order requires people who will steal things thoughtfully and ethically. Is that you? i hope so. My unique perspective on theft makes it semi-impossible to "sell" myself or my work wholeheartedly; thus Patreon and Ko-Fi members often have full access to free, high quality content and I rarely try to protect my intellectual property from theft, believing too strongly in the net positive effects of shared artwork to be able to turn my general competency to the task of self-promotion with any genuine enthusiasm. This makes me a poor self-advocate but does have the benefit of encouraging more alturistic behavior in others (or at least, I hope it does). Whether or not that alturism is directed at me is again, entirely up to you. I'm sure there is someone in your life or vicinity who probably needs it more. 

(ps: when i talk about digital piracy I am including malware makers and bad actor hackers although I know That is hotly contested. Usually breaking things isn't the point but sometimes you just have one of those days)

core values

Lastly--and I shouldn't have to say this--I am passionately opposed to the sexual exploitation of children and minors, and believe that the illness of "MAP"(gross) is an intentionally curated one by those who have personal and financial interest in the continued health of the child sex trafficking market. If you are as violently opposed to this as I am, please consider supporting the cause by talking about it verbally and in writing with both strangers and loved ones, and in all other ways working to acknowledge the existence of the current situation. It is the stigmatization and the effects of taboo that continue to support the gross violation of mind and body of the young and vulnerable. As we have seen across various subcultures such as kink and queerness, shredding the stigma and speaking the taboo into reality is the surest way to hasten change towards healthier, thriving communities. Please join me in speaking and writing and THINKING about this particularly atrocious form of commerce, as I truly believe that in doing so we can collectively force its demise. Please also consider the intersectional implications of this value as it relates to current political conditions in America as well as my likely stance on labor movements and citizenship in my country (looking at you, immigrant detainment camps, japanese internment camps, both ancient and modern forms of slavery, the prison industrial complex, the abuse of day laborers, the abuse of elders and disabled, and many other imperfect areas of industry that are nonetheless keeping the entire country functioning while actively exploiting and abusing those it purports to protect and serve. Real Americans deserve better.). If you can't understand the direct connection between the exploitation of labor and bodies in this sense as it relates to the sex trade industry and the sexual exploitation of women, minors, men and transgender folk especially, I worry for the state of your soul because the focus of my solution approach is to rally behind sex workers as a public health campaign in order to massively improving the standard of living the world over. Pleasure shouldn't be Shamed, positivism will change the world, and joy is an imperfect but meaningful vector for connection and movement that deserves much more honor and respect than it is often given). We are literate enough as a species to understand this, and to have incentives towards a global perspective in international relationships as they relate to grassroots, communal bonds. I argue, like many before me, that it is through these bonds we can shape a more environmentally conscious and socially just future. I go one step beyond the rest, and further suggest that it is pressingly urgent to moderate the wave signature of our species within the fabric of space-time, as we pose an existential threat to ourselves far beyond what we often acknowledge on the day-to-day. 

I consider myself to be (imperfectly) exercising my civilian rights on behalf of those who are unprotected and over-exposed, and encourage others to do the same the world over, where and how they can.


If you didn't listen to the PODCAST you might be missing the POINT>

If you made it this far, thanks again for reading.

I hope you will think of me as a friend. we're probably not not working together, it's just that the opps perception game is hella strong. Live well and thrive,


si se puede! nolite te bastardes carborundarum